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Bucks Culture Open Weekend

As part of the open weekend Buckingham Town Council have invited Story teller Terrie Howey to recite Buckinghamshire folk tales in front of the Old Gaol from 10.30 am on Saturday 24th July. An excellent array of music and other entertainment will follow.

The first ever Open Weekend for Buckinghamshire will take place over a long weekend – 22nd-25th July 2021 (in celebration of Buckinghamshire Day) and we hope it will become an annual event. 

Open Weekend is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the range and breadth of creativity and culture taking place in Buckinghamshire. 

In 2021, Open Weekend will have the theme of stories – sharing, collecting and celebrating stories of our residents and our county in creative ways. 

The event will form part of a wider programme of Storytelling activity over the Summer. We are inviting organisations, artists/creatives, community centres, schools, businesses and community groups to put on story-themed activity and events over this long weekend in July.  We will ‘badge’ existing and planned activity, alongside one-off events to showcase the range of creativity taking place in the county, and to encourage people to have a go.  We want to show-off all the great creative and cultural activity going on.

July 21

Isolation Examination Big Fringe Week Quiz

July 22

An Evening with UK Astronomy Group